Calcasieu Sheriff’s Office To Conduct DWI And Seatbelt Checkpoint August 15
In an effort to keep our streets safe, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office will conduct a DWI checkpoint this Friday night August 15th.
In a continuing effort to keep the citizens of Calcasieu Parish safe, the Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a DWI/seatbelt checkpoint at an undisclosed location in the parish on Friday, August 15.
This checkpoint will target individuals driving under the influence of alcohol and/or narcotics; as well as, people who are not wearing their seatbelt. They have proven to be very effective in discouraging citizens from driving while impaired and people are more likely to designate a driver when they know sobriety checkpoints are being conducted.
This checkpoint is funded by a grant from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission.
Be careful out there and designate a driver this weekend and always!