Watch Solar Eclipse Online Here If You’re Stuck Inside Today
If you haven't heard by now there will be a Solar Eclipse today. In the Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas area the time it will occur will be right before noon lasting about an hour and a half.
We all have seen on the news and websites that they say you will need to have special ISO approved glasses to watch it outside live. If you don't have those type glasses, experts say you could do harm to your eyes.
So we are here to save your eyeballs! We have a way for you to watch the Solar Eclipse without jacking up your eyes. NASA plans to stream the eclipse live online.
So if your stuck inside at work and can't go outside to watch it or just don't want to risk messing up your eyesight, then watch it by clicking below.
The eclipse will start around 11:50 a.m. and last until 1:21 p.m. in the Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas area.
If you miss it, the next one will be about 7 years from now on April 8th, 2024.
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