Volunteers Are Invited To Participate In Pick It Up Spring Cleanup In SWLA
I have always been told that you should take care of where you stay. Sure it can mean the home that you are living in but also the city or town that you live in as well. The CPPJ is currently looking for volunteers to participate in the Parishwide Spring Cleanup.
The Pick It Up Spring Cleanup is coordinated by the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury and will be targeted at cleaning up various areas in Calcasieu Parish and will proceed for the first 3 weeks in April. If you would like to be a volunteer, you are asked to host a litter pickup any day between April 1- April 23. There will be free trash bags and clean-up gear for you to use for the occasion. There will also be flexible times and locations in order for you to participate during one of the days.
The cities that will be included are Lake Charles, Sulphur, Westlake, Vinton, Dequincy, and Iowa. If you are interested in participating and would like to register your group for one or more of the clean-up days, please call 337-493-5487. You can also visit them online for more details at pickitupcalcasieu.com.It is our job to beautify our home and SWLA is our home. Remember it is illegal to litter or dump any items or waste in Calcasieu Parish. As a matter of fact, the fines range from $250.00 to $5,000.00 if you are caught and charged.