Will You Pay A Toll To Cross A New I-10 Bridge?
For the past 30 years, local officials have been trying to raise funding to replace the I-10 bridge. The task force for the reconstruction project tells 7 NEWS the only way to fund the new bridge is to impose a toll on drivers. This toll would not start until the new bridge is built. Even though residents agree the bridge isn't safe and needs to be replaced, some feel they shouldn't be the ones to pay for it.
As a matter of fact, Trump promised to use federal funds to build a new I-10 bridge if he was reelected. Since that didn't happen, the bridge task force is looking for other ways to come up with the $600 to $800 million in funds to rebuild the 68-year old bridge. Governor Edwards put up $85 million from the state, but with no federal dollars or private funding going toward the massive project, a toll looks like our only option.
George Swift, president and CEO of the Southwest Louisiana Economic Development Alliance, said they are looking to get the lowest toll possible. However, the bridge must be replaced as soon as possible because it's simply not safe. Swift added that public funding for the project was depleted because the state hasn't increased the gasoline tax in more than 30 years. For more details about the I-10 toll tax click here. So far, the toll amount being passed on the drivers has not been announced.

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