Yesterday, kicked off the five day USSSA world series with the opening ceremonies at McMurray park in Sulphur.  I had the oportunity to be the emcee for the opening event and let me tell you there was at least 2500 people at the park for the event.

Teams from Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arizona and Arkansas were represented.  There are 126 teams in the tournament in four different divisions.  They are broke down as 9 and under, 8 and under, 7 under and 6 and under.

During the opening ceremonies Senator David Vitter and Olympic Gold Medialist Jennie Fench were key note speakers.  Most of the games will be played at the Frasch park complex in Sulphur.

Oh by the way, I made the front page of the paper today too.  Look for me, I am the idiot in the boots and jeans! Good luck to all the teams!


Mike Soileau Fron Page of Paper
Mike Soileau Fron Page of Paper (Mike Soileau)

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