Did you pay too much for your crawfish this weekend? Here's what crawfish lovers are paying in Lafayette, Acadiana, Lake Charles, and Baton Rouge per pound.
Mardi Gras officially came to an end last night and now we start the lent season and this is where people try and give up something during the lent season.
If you were raised in south Louisiana, the question, "did you get your ashes and what are you giving up for Lent?" is not at all strange to you. Nearly a third of the state's population is Catholic.
If you were raised in south Louisiana, the question, "did you get your ashes and what are you giving up?" is not at all strange to you. Nearly a third of the state's population is Catholic, and the majority of that number live south of Alexandria.
Today marks Ash Wednesday and for many people of the Christian faith, it a time to fast or give up something they love so much for the next 40 days until Good Friday. Here are the Top 5 things people say they will be giving up for lent.
With Lent beginning Fridays become no-meat days for Catholics. That means fish or seafood on Fridays and a temporary boom for seafood restaurants. Where are you going to get your fish?
Well, Mardi Gras is over and now today is Ash Wednesday, which starts the Lent season. If you are Catholic, then you observe Lent.
Today, we help you with your crawfish boil - and your observance of Lent.