The Calcasieu Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security has issued an outdoor burn ban.The Following is a Press Release from the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury:

Burn ban

Restrictions have been placed on any outdoor burning activities for a period not to exceed 30 days.

Current drought conditions potentially threaten the health and safety of Calcasieu Parish citizens. Officials experienced in these matters along with predictions from the National Weather Service have determined there is not sufficient precipitation to minimize the effects and problems created by these dangerous drought conditions.

Parish Fire Departments are empowered to extinguish all fires in direct violation of this notice. Police Jury President, Guy Brame, ordered the outdoor burn ban in accordance with the Louisiana Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act and the Code of Ordinances of Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana.

For more information contact the Office of Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Security at 721-3800.

So make sure you don't burn any trash, wood or other debris while this ban is in effect.  We will advise you when the Burn ban has been lifted.

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