Make Sure To Spend FEMA Money Wisely
FEMA is here to assist during our time of need. They are especially vital after a natural disaster like Hurricane Laura. FEMA has released a word of advice to spend your money wisely should you get approved for the grant during this time.
FEMA sends survivors letters that detail the approved use for the grants. Some of the things included are listed below.
- Repairs to make a home habitable
- Rental assistance to temporarily pay for a place to stay
- Repair or replacement of a disaster- damaged essential vehicle
- Medical Care for an injury caused by the disaster
- Replacing clothing, occupational tools and education materials
- Moving and storage expenses related to the disaster
Rental assistance grants are provided for temporary housing when a disaster leaves you with a home that is uninhabitable or inaccessible.
The disaster grants should not be used for travel, entertainment, regular living expenses, or any other things not related to the disaster. Those who are approved should keep receipts for three years to show how the FEMA grants were spent.
If the grant money is not used as it should be, you may have to repay FEMA and you could lose eligibility for further federal assistance that could become available.
Those who are affected will have until Tuesday, October 27 to apply for federal disaster help.
There are three ways to register:
- Online by logging onto DisasterAssistance.gov
- The FEMA app. Visit: fema.gov/mobile-app or your phone's app store.
- Call 800-621-3362 or TTY 800-462-7585. Too- Free numbers are open daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Multillingual operators are available.

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