Earlier this morning we received notice that a Tornado watch was in effect for parts of Louisiana and Texas until 4 pm central. While in my personal opinion I feel that we will not be affected by a Tornado. There is a very high percentage of rain in the forecast and there is nothing wrong with being prepared if you happen to be caught up in a situation.

From the experience of being in the middle of a Tornado, there is not as much time to prepare as it is during a Hurricane. Several years ago I was doing a live broadcast from a car dealership and within minutes the weather changed from sunny skies to an all-out wind fest. After it was all over, the sky cleared again, but later we heard the disturbing news of the deaths that were caused due to the weather that preceded us.

Should we encounter potentially damaging weather this afternoon from the effects of a Tornado, here are five steps that you can take to help ensure your safety from the storm?

1. Designate a safe place in your home: This is the area where you feel comfortable and secure that you and you can family can go to be out of harm's way. It could be a basement, or room that is the lowest in the house overall.

2. Put Essentials in the safe room: Have an emergency kit readily available. This should have easily accessible foods and items that won't need cooking in case there is a power outage. Keep important documents, blankets, extra clothing, and a first aid kit as there is never a definite moment of how long the after-effects could last.

3. Remove Outdoor Items: Just like with Hurricanes, tornadoes are known to pick up items as in unsolicited debris and throw them around which could further damage the exterior and interior of your home.

4. Reinforce your home: Contact a professional to reinforce any walls or structures that provide support to the home. Make sure that your chimneys are secured as well to prevent any debris from coming into the home.

5. Contact Your Insurance Agent: If you are paying for insurance which you should. Make sure to contact your insurance company in case of any damages, and for any questions, you may have that pertain to your property. It is also best that you add any additions to your current insurance policy prior to any tropical threats coming to your area.

In Lake Charles, we have had so much to deal with over the past year. Obviously, we are not looking forward to any more storms any time soon. But it is always better to be safe, secure, and prepared for whatever comes your way.


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