Does Father’s Day Still Have Meaning for Us?
I was talking to my wife over the weekend, and she asked me what I wanted for Father's Day. Can I tell you I couldn't think of a thing? Honestly, my family has always looked out for me on this day. I have never gone without, and have no complaints at all. It is an honor and privilege to be a father. However, I have to ask, is Father's Day still as relevant as before? Maybe I am in the wrong place, but currently, it seems as if it's taboo to acknowledge those men who protect, love, and provide for their families.
I understand that many mothers take on this role, as mine did for me. I can possibly count on two fingers the quality moments I spent with my dad who had another family across time. But there are really good men who do what's supposed to be done and gladly take on the responsibilities of not only their own children, but others as well. I don't see the massive commercial campaigns or any medium that shows love to us. If there are some out there, then I thank you. This is just my view and something I have noticed to be really minimal lately. If you search for Father's Day on google, you'll see more articles speaking about the cancellation of Father's Day than there are to show love and support.
I can't speak on people's personal relationships with their fathers. As I stated earlier, I didn't have the best myself. But what I do know is I swore that when I became a father, I would give my kids everything I didn't have. For 23 years, that is what I have done for my one and only son, and I love it everyday. With it being Father's Day this Sunday, let me take this time to acknowledge all of the dads who are very instrumental in their children's lives. It is not the easiest job, but the payoff is more than worth it.
Happy Father's Day, and thanks for all you do.
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