Big Ten and Pac 12 Expected to Cancel Football Season for 2020
With the SEC, specifically LSU's Coach O, pushing to play college football this season, the Big Ten and Pac 12 are heading in the opposite direction, it seems. An article in the Detroit Free Press claims to have extremely reliable sources from inside, saying the decision to cancel the season will be announced on Tuesday after a meeting was held this past Sunday on the subject. The presidents are rumored to be meeting this evening at 6:00pm to formally vote on the matter.
The decision to not have a season for the Big Ten is not the first division to agree. The Mid-American Conference has already scratched their 2020-21 season off of the books due to the virus. It also seems, according to a tweet by the Dan Patrick Show, that the Pac 12 will be announcing its cancellation of the season. This puts a giant hole in the schedule for other schools, but there are talks now to do a spring football season instead of our normal fall season everyone has been looking forward to, especially this year.
More and more players are deciding to opt-out of the 2020 season after it was decided their scholarships would not be impacted for not playing during this year of football. Michigan State has already reported at least four of its players are taking the opt-out decision, with more rumored to be doing the same if the decision is made to continue the season as planned.
The big question for SEC fans will now be how can a 2020 season still go on? According to the Bleach Report, it is still possible. In order to salvage a fall football season, the SEC will have to somehow convince the ACC or Big 12 to play in a single-season alliance, but even then, safety of the players will be a major concern. With all of the organizations allowing players to opt-out with no consequence, it will certainly be a very different season for college football.

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