Adam Sandler’s Company Filming Sean Payton Movie
We are blessed to live in a state that is becoming very famous for the film and television industry. Louisiana has a thriving entertainment scene, which provides a lot of jobs, and tax incentives for those who want to film here in our beautiful state. It's no coincidence that we're known as the 'Hollywood of the South'. And if you are looking for work in the film business, then Louisiana Entertainment is filled with information on movies and television shows that are currently in production or will be soon.
Their website says 'Louisiana is one of the top destinations in the world for motion picture production. With state-of-the-art facilities, a wealth of talent, film-friendly communities and a competitive incentive program, Louisiana is the perfect location for your next production.'
One of the movies being filmed this summer is in Metairie about New Orleans Saints football coach Sean Payton. The film is called "Home Team", and it's about Coach Payton's time as a middle school football coach.
The film is set in the year 2012 when Payton was suspended by the NFL after the Bountygate scandal and he used the downtime to coach his son Connor's sixth-grade football team. It's based on true events, and actually occurred outside of Dallas, but the production company, Happy Madison, which is owned by Adam Sandler, decided to use New Orleans for the background. The film used locals for background actors, and was partially filmed at East Jefferson High School and Joe Yenni Stadium.
Coach Payton told NOLA.com in a phone interview “Look, it’s inspired by a true story (mine). I’ve read the script and gotten to know Adam Sandler and the Happy Madison production team, and I know that he and Kevin James (who plays Payton in the movie) do a great job on everything they tackle. So, it’s in their hands now, but it’s a unique and entertaining storyline, and we just have to wait for the results. But, admittedly, it’s kind of fun.”
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