It’s incredible to see the citizens of Lake Charles come together to improve their community in the wake of the Millennium Park fire, and we here at Cajun Radio want to be a part of that movement. Between Oct. 26 and Nov. 6, volunteers are going to undo what a teenage arsonist heartlessly did last January. By restoring the park, we’re coming together in a positive way – and we hope you’ll join us!


Over the course of 10 days, 3,000 volunteers will be needed to help rebuild the park. Cajun Radio and our sister stations will be joining the more than 1,000 that have already signed up. But more are needed. We’re asking you to come and work alongside us. Sign up for a four-hour shift and give back to your community.

Millennium Park Fire Picture

Shifts will run daily from Oct. 26-30 and again from Nov. 2-4. To sign up, all you have to do is put in a call to Meg Lovejoy at (337) 491-1292 or go here.

If you simply can’t donate your time, it’s important to know that the builders have only reached 80% of the $350,000 needed to rebuild. Perhaps you can help out with a donation?

Join the staff of Cajun Radio and our sister stations as we team up with Lake Charles volunteers to do something positive for our community. On the day when the park reopens, you’ll be able to look on with pride at the work you've done.

millennium park plans

Just so you know it’s not just talk, we’ll let you know in the upcoming weeks exactly when our DJs will be onsite so that you can join us and work alongside us to rebuild Millennium Park!

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