Cajun Radio has teamed up with Airboat Rides Inc in Orange Texas to bring some of our Cajun Krewe club members out on a ride of a lifetime!

Yep, you heard me right!  We are going to take three of our Cajun Krewe club members and a guest out on the bayou on a real airboat ride you won't forget on Saturday June 16th, 2012!

Want to go?  Here is how!

Since you are on our website already, click up at the top on the word KREWE and sign up to be part of our Cajun Krewe.  Then take a poll, survey or play the word of the day and earn points!  Then you can enter to win as many times as you want to win this awesome prize.

Then once the winners are revealed, I will escort you on the tour which is Saturday June 16th, 2012 in Orange, Texas at the Airboat rides Inc.


You will experience the raw, untouched wildlife of the Blue Elbow Swamp and the Sabine River. The tours cross over into the marshes of Louisiana, so there is a lot to see.

From March to November, tourists can expect to see lots of alligators and turtles, and birds. In June and July, the swamp is covered in lotus flowers, a breathtaking sight to see. Seasonally, there are lovely water hyacinths on the swamp. This is also great for bird watchers year round, as tourists regularly see the Great Blue Heron, the common egret, and osprey flying about.

So enter now and enter often in your Cajun Krewe Club account and come on a thrilling airboat ride through the swamp with us on Saturday June 16th!

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