Why Are Tik Tokers Taping Their Mouths Shut at Night?
Wait a minute, someone on social media is offering to tape their mouth shut? Hell yeah! I am all for that. Heck, I might even join them. I would say silencing the idiots on social media has been a long time coming. Wait? What? They are only taping their mouths shut while they are sleeping?
Okay, I've dumped ice buckets on my head, laid like a plank on a busy street and even committed this atrocity with an Oreo all for social media. So, why wouldn't I be interested in putting a piece of tape on my mouth?
Oddly enough this latest trend on the social media platform Tik Tok has less to do with world domination on the social media stage and more about personal health. I am sure you have questions like I have questions, so let's go direct to the untaped mouth of a Tik Toker for an explanation.
Yeah, folks are now taping their mouths shut at bedtime and they say the benefits they are getting from this "unique" practice are quite amazing.
Disclaimer time: We don't suggest you try this unless you chat with your doctor first. While many people have experienced great benefits from this practice others have not fared too well. So, do this at your own risk.
The reason mouth taping is growing in popularity is because of the practice's exposure on social media similar to the video you see above. Those who say it's a good thing claim the mouth taping helps prevent snoring and it allows them to not develop a dry mouth during the night. Both of those things, snoring and dry mouth, can certainly take away from a "good" night's sleep.
Research on the practice is limited and has only been performed in what could only be described as a small sample size. However, the results of those limited studies do suggest that those who suffer from sleep apnea actually realized some benefits. However, individuals who suffer from asthma did not see much of an improvement in their sleep at all.
One area where many Tik Tok fans said they found improvement was in the area of oral health. The fact that their mouth wasn't dried out because of sleep usually meant they would awaken with fresher breath and a cleaner feeling mouth.
However, some dental professionals disagree with the "benefits" that are being reported. Many oral health care professionals say limiting the mouth at night can lead to bacterial overgrowth, cavities, and gum disease.
And here's another thing to consider before you tape up your pie hole at bedtime. If you have trouble breathing through your nose, don't try this. If you have sinus issues, deviated septum issues, or you just don't seem to get enough "air" through your nose this might not be the choice you need to make.
But as someone who could use more of what is described as "better sleep", I think I might look into this. By the way, use special medical tape if you're going to try this. I can only imagine how much pulling duct tape off your lips is going to hurt. I say that because I know most of us only have duct tape at home. Sure it's convenient but please, don't try it.
I guess we could say that once again society has developed another use for a product that isn't its intended use. It certainly isn't the first time, nor will it be the last time.
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