Walmart to Beat ‘Black Midnight’ With 10 p.m. Opening on Thanksgiving Day
In the midst of retailers looking to start traditional Black Friday festivities at the first possible moment the Friday after Thanksgiving, Walmart is expected to announce that it will do them one better. The company has decided to open at 10 p.m. the night of Thanksgiving, so its customers can get an “early” start on shopping.
Earlier this week, large retail stores like Target, Best Buy, Kohl’s and Macy’s, announced that they’ll be opening their doors at midnight on Black Friday in order to give shoppers as much shopping time as possible. This new trend has been labeled “Black Midnight.”
Walmart will announce their 10 p.m. plans in detail on Thursday. Special discounts on clothing, home décor and toys, with special prices on electronics will be available to their customers starting at midnight, when other stores are just opening their doors.
According to Duncan MacNaughton, chief merchandising officer of Walmart United States, “Our customers told us they would rather stay up late to shop than get up early.”
This means, to take full advantage of any special Black Friday deals, you’ll need to eat your pumpkin pie fast and rush your family out the door after your holiday meal together. This shouldn’t be a problem since you’ll get to see them at Christmas. At least until the after Christmas sales start.