Tracy’s Top 5 Favorite Christmas Songs– 2016 Edition
I love Christmas music. With the exception of two songs which shall remain unnamed in this article, I enjoy the majority of the festive tunes.
Last year, I made a list of my five favorites and shared them with those of you kind enough to look. As the world has made another trip around the sun, I have discovered that some have remained in the top five, and other have slipped replaced them.
Make no mistake, though. Bring on the jingle-jangle-celebration-of-our-saviors-birth songs. I'll take them all, save two.
4. "Please Come Home For Christmas" by Charles Brown-- Several artists over the years have remade this classic. For me, there's nothing like the original. As soon as those bell tones hit, you know what's coming next and can't help but feel like singing along.
3. "O' Holy Night" as sung by Home Free-- I discovered this a capella group purely by accident. Instantly, I was hooked! This is not their only song. Home Free also does a fantastic version of "Do You Hear What I Hear?," and you can hear it on the Taste of Country website. It never ceases to amaze me at the talent that goes into a capella music.
2. "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Vince Vance & The Valiants-- This song will always and forever be one of my Christmas favorites. When it comes on the radio in my car, I crank up the volume and sing as loudly as I can. It's a holiday treat all in itself!
1. "Mary Did You Know?" as sung by Clay Aiken-- This is my all-time favorite song for Christmas. It reminds me why Christians celebrate the holiday. It always makes me cry thinking about love and the ultimate sacrifice of and for love. It reminds me that Christmas is about family and the giving of ourselves more than it is about material things. Many artists have done wonderful renditions, but Clay Aiken does it beautifully. Merry Christmas.