Ten Of Some Of The Most Wanted Candies For Halloween
Trick Or Treat is the sound that we hear from the kids as they travel through the neighborhoods or the malls in anticipation of some candy treats to fill up their bags. I remember when I was younger I would be so excited about going house to house in a costume and being prepared to get the best candy. If you had the bubblegum and some chocolates I was in there like swimwear and probably wouldn't make it home before I got into it.
However, here are some of the hottest candies for upcoming Halloween. If you want to know what you may need to purchase for the kiddos this year, check out the list below. Some of you may be surprised about some items on the list, while other items are familiar favorites that we all love.
Reese's Cups - These were my favorite when I was younger and loved to just eat around the peanut butter and finish it all with one big gulp. As I got older I found out that I was allergic to peanut butter and until they started making them with almond butter, I had to pass. Make sure you pick up a few bags for this Halloween.
Skittles- Come on, this is a no-brainer as much sugar is in these things. The kids will be bouncing off the wall from Halloween through the rest of the weekend. But yet this is still a fan favorite for not only the kids but I will be your friend to the end for a small bag.
M&M'S- While this is another one that I can't eat any more due to the peanuts, this was one of my favorites as a child. I remember when we used to have to sell some for school when I was younger and honestly I ended up paying for them out of my pocket because I was eating up all of the profits.
Starburst- This should be the candy that melts in your mouth and not in your hands. I love Starburst, however, I can do without the orange or lemon. Other than that these are so good you can't eat just one and for sure this will be one that the kids will be excited about as well.
Hot Tamales- I don't know whose idea this was to make these but they are truly a big seller. It's something about having a little sugar with a spicy kick to it and that is why you should have plenty of these to pass out for Halloween.
Sour Patch Kids- The tartness of these candies with the extra sugar sprinkles is everything and then some. I would usually keep a small bag around work and snack on them all day. Please don't tell my trainer. But there is nothing tastier than the Sour Patch Kids candy.
Hershey Kisses- These were my go-to when I was trying to impress a young lady. Without speaking or verbally asking for a kiss, most of them had an idea of what you wanted if you gave them one. At the end of the day, these small tasty things with chocolate all through them were some that you had to eat pretty quickly or they would for sure melt in your pocket if you held onto them for too long.
Snickers- Who doesn't like a little chocolate, caramel, and peanuts? These things are just a relevant as they were back in the day and just as tasty as ever. Thankfully, they have added some new content to them including Hazelnuts and Almonds for people like myself, but they are still just as good as ever.
Tootsie Pops - You know these are good enough when they basically inspire a dance song from back in the day. The creative geniuses who thought of the lollipop on the outside and the chocolate inside were smart individuals. They are not very costly and make for a pretty financially efficient treat for the kids to love.
Finally, we have to go with the Candy Corn. While this is not one of my favorites they tend to be a hit for many during Halloween. These are what I call busy candy. If you don't want something too heavy, but you want to have a little something to snack on these are the ones to have.
Halloween is coming up and while you are searching for your costumes or decorations for the house, make sure you hit up your local grocery store and pick up several bags of treats for the kids to indulge in this upcoming holiday.