Louisiana parade goers expect articles of every ilk to be tossed from floats and vehicles but, when strange favors started flying at a parade in Whitehouse, Texas, attendees reacted with both outraged and hilarious comments.
Louisiana State University has announced plans for a big parade and celebration on Wednesday to celebrate the newly crowned women's basketball national championship team.
Celebrate the life and legacy of iconic pastor, civil rights leader, and humanitarian Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. The 38th Annual MLK Day Parade starts 11am.
Mardi Gras Day is February 13th, but the first parade rolls in southwest Louisiana in Vinton on February 3rd. Here's the list so you can plan your bead-catching fun!
The Lake Charles High Kilties? Marion Chargerettes? How times have changed since Lake Charles celebrated its centennial! Video quality has improved a lot since 1967, and participation in parades is certainly different.