We all have those "Health Goals" that we made at the beginning of the year, but for some reason they seem to get stuck on the back burner.  It really is never too late to start making changes toward a healthier you!  Start by writing down your overall goal that you want to accomplish, and then write down the smaller goals that need to happen in order for you to achieve your big goal.  Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Here are some tips that can jump start you in a healthier direction:

1. Snack on fruits and vegetables

2. Try a new workout or revamp you existing one

3. Make it a poin to start taking the stairs

4. Go on a midday walk

5. Plan your menu at the start of each week and fill it with balanced meals

6. aim for a colorful plate

7. drink more water

Above all else, remember a healthier you = a lighter you.

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