Job Start Job Fair January 13, 2016
It's that time again for the Job Seekers Job Fair. If your in the market for a new job, want a change in scenery and looking to explore new job opportunities in the area, don't miss it.
The job fair is being hosted by the Calcasieu Business & Career Solutions Center, all job seekers are urged to pre-register now through Noon January 12th at the center, located at 2424 3rd Street in Lake Charles. It is not a requirement, but it helps to speed up the process the day of the fair. The Job Seekers Job Fair will take place Wednesday, January 13th at 9 a.m. till Noon at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Participants are to bring a picture ID, be dressed in business attire and have several resume copies on hand.
As with all job fairs, U.S. Veterans will get priority services. For more information contact the Calcasieu Business & Career Solutions Center at 337-721-4010.