Cookin’ And Cruisin’ For A Cause Set For October In Sulphur, Louisiana
Mark your calendars for a great event coming up in October of this year. It's called Cookin' And Cruisin' For A Cause and it combines a poker run with a chili cook-off which if you ask us sounds like a great combination!
This event is put on by Bon Ami Calcasieu Riding Club and Give A Wish LLC where they raise money to grant a wish to children of Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas with terminal or extenuating medical conditions through Give A Wish.
How awesome is that? So how can you help this great organization and make these kids' wishes come true? Be a part of this great event on Saturday, October 7th, 2023. It is taking place at Wayne's Deli in Carlyss, Louisiana. Here is the schedule of all the events going on that day.
8:00 am -- Registration starts for the poker run and all wheels are welcome,
10:00 am -- Poker Run starts
- 1st stop -- VFW in Starks
- 2nd stop -- VFW in Dequincy
- 3rd stop -- American Legion In Westlake
- 4th stop -- American Legion In Sulphur
- Ends at Wayne's Deli in Carlyss
All participants in the poker run receive a free chili dinner and prizes will be awarded for the best and worst hand after the poker run concludes.
To enter you and your team in the Chili cook-off, contact Jamie Crochet at 337-287-2050. You can also reach out to the Bon Ami Riding Club on Facebook by clicking HERE.
Cook-off prizes will be awarded for first, second, third, and people's choice.
Other things going on that day include 50/50 drawings, a sweet shop, a live and silent auction, and more. Help them help a child's dream come true!
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