KPLC 7 reports residents will be seeing "In God We Trust" bumper stickers on law enforcement vehicles across SWLA, including Westlake, Sulphur, Rosepine, Leesville and the Vernon Parish.  Though some opposed the new decals being passed, the decision was unanimous by all 5 City of Lake Charles Council members present.  So be on the lookout the "In God We Trust" bumper stickers will be placed on all marked, city-owned vehicles and city buildings as well.

City councilman Rodney Geyen explained "We are just reflecting our motto 'In God We Trust'. We're not trying to change anybody's religion or trying to push a religion on anyone. Geyen continued, we are simply following in the footsteps of many others. Adding, "The City of Sulphur is involved. They were one of the forerunners with this project and we're just kind of latching on behind."

KPLC 7 reports the best thing about the bumper stickers and decals is the funding project is solely from donations and NOT taxpayer money!  If your interested in donating to the cause, make checks out to: City of Lake Charles. Marshal Joey Alcede said the general public is following suit saying, "I think the Diocese just ordered a hundred stickers, so you're going to start seeing lot of this done through religious organizations for the public."


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