Slap Your Teacher Challenge Allegedly Arrives In Covington, Louisiana [VIDEO]
I know that I am late to the party but apparently some wise-cracking individual who was potentially a very problematic child in school has deemed October "Slap Your Teacher" month on TikTok. Now I remember a lot of my teachers and there is not one that I would have even considered attempting to touch. As a matter of fact, these are hard-working and in most cases underpaid people like you and me who love what they are doing. Most teachers while not being fully compensated are there because they want to make a difference in a student's life.
Well, a video just recently surfaced from Covington, Louisiana, and ironically this city was on my 10 most beautiful cities list in Louisiana a few weeks ago. I don't know the full story of the video, but regardless of whether this was a part of the challenge or sheer disrespect, it is not something that should be tolerated by anyone, and those who are attempting to disrespect their teachers should deal with the consequences. Here is the video for your review. What do you make of this disturbing video from one of the schools in Covington?
As I mentioned earlier in the post this action is not acceptable, and the last thing any teacher should have to fear is their life being threatened because of a silly, but a potentially dangerous challenge.
TikTok has responded to the trend with the following statement:
Some other teachers have heard about this new challenge and have decided to get in front of it and let the children who are considering copying know what may happen.
Again parents, talk to your children about this. These days, everyone wants to be famous in some way or another. But there could have been so many other options for a challenge. No one should be harmed, whether it's students or teachers. The fact our youth or so easily influenced by these TiikTok challenges is truly a sad and outright dangerous predicament that we are in. We have to be better examples because this is not the way.