Election Forums Begin Wednesday
With the Fall elections coming up soon, the Lake Charles League of Women Voters are putting on Election forums starting Wednesday through October 3rd. This gives you the voters a chance to attend these forums and get more informed on the candidates running for office. Here is the list of the forums and which districts they will cover.
The Lake Charles League of Women Voters presents the 2011 Election Forums. This series of forums will begin on Wednesday, the 21st. Each forum will begin at 6pm and run until 7pm. They will be held at the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury Room at 1015 Pithon Street, Lake Charles. A critical part of being a voter is to be an informed voter. Take this opportunity to listen to the candidates before you place your vote.
The full schedule of forums, including race covered and moderator are as follows
· Wednesday, September 21st - Police Jury Districts 2, 4 and 5. Moderator: Judy Washington· Monday, September 26th - Police Jury Districts 7, 9 and 10. Moderator: Anthony Bartie
· Wednesday, September 28th - Police Jury Districts 12, 13 and 14. Moderator: Bobby Dower
· Monday, October 3rd - Tax Assessor. Moderator: Pam Mattingly
The League of Women Voters of Lake Charles, Louisiana encourages the active participation of citizens in government by offering information to the community through brochures, debates and public forums and by sponsoring voter registration drives. Educating the local citizens enables them to make informed decisions concerning political candidates and public policy. For more information, call 337-474-1864 or e-mail info@lwv-lc.org. Also see www.lwv-lc.org and Facebook at Lake Charles League of Women Voters for additional information.
Public Relations
League of Women's Voters
Get informed and get out there and vote. Remember, your vote does count!!!!