CPSB Rolling out Wifi School Buses to Help Students
Help is on the way! KPLC TV reports that, in an effort to help people in need, the Calcasieu Parish School Board (CPSB) is planing to roll out 12 specially-equipped school buses with mobile WiFi. These buses will be distributed throughout the district with SIPA-compliant WiFi. The service is provided by Kajeet, which offers off-campus broadband education resources for students K-12. Even better is the fact the WiFi will be free to anyone in the community.
This will be a huge asset to area students and their families who don't have access to computers or the internet at home. This wonderful initiative will also go a long way toward keeping teachers connected to their classrooms. Sadly, 2020 seniors trying to graduate might not get the opportunity to do so the traditional way. KPLC reports area principals have submitted ideas on how to proceed with graduation events, suggesting live and virtual ceremonies.
So far, the verdict is out on which way the school board will proceed with area graduation ceremonies. One thing's for sure, the coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on the nation's education system. Student grades or credits are incomplete because most school districts closed three months early. Now teachers are left with the near-impossible task of deciding which students pass or fail, who's graduating, and who's not. Meanwhile, seniors needing more details about how their schools will proceed with graduation, click here.
With all the chaos, there's still a silver lining. CPSB Chief Technology Officer, Kim Leblanc, explained how the WiFi-equipped school buses will be a huge asset in education now and in the future. Leblanc said, “Online learning is more than just a website, it’s about engaging kids, having a rigorous curriculum, and providing lots of student opportunity."
The buses will roll out to various parking lots throughout the district where parents with no home internet can park to allow their kids to use the free WiFi hotspot. Until a different social distancing protocol is implemented, parents and students can remain in the safety inside their cars.
According to reports, the dates, times, and locations on where the buses will be is coming soon.

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