One thing about Louisiana is we appreciate our local artists. When our local artists give back to the community by helping new artists it’s super-special. If you have a child in high school that is an artist or know someone who does, pass on this great information to them. The George Rodrigue Foundation of the Arts and Trombone Shorty Foundation’s 2021 art and songwriting contest is open to Louisiana high school juniors and seniors.

This contest will award ten young artists and three songwriters $25,000 in college scholarships. The ten artists finalists will share $19,000 in scholarships and the songwriter’s finalists will share $6,000 in scholarships.

The Theme for this year’s contest is “Alone Together: Art in the Time of Pandemic.”  A perfect theme for students to reflect on this historical year. This theme allows those entering the contest to create something beautiful inspired by a difficult year.

The deadline to enter is Friday, February 26,2021.

Students are asked to consider these questions when creating their original art and songs:

  • How has disaster and disease shaped art throughout history?
  • How has your life changed as a result of COVID-19?
  • What does social distancing and quarantine mean to you?
  • What has been the most difficult part of this year for you?
  • What do you miss most about life before COVID-19?
  • What is your hope for the future?

The VISUAL ARTWORK submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Concept/Design: Does the artwork address the theme in a clear and inventive way? (1/3 score)

2. Technical Skill: Does the artwork show an understanding of visual art principles such as use of color, shading, light, and form? (1/3 score)

3. Creativity: Does the artwork showcase an original point of view? Does it provide a fresh perspective on the theme? (1/3 score)

The SONG/LYRIC submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Structure and Composition: Does the song have clearly identifiable sections (verse, chorus, etc.)? Is the song between 2-5 minutes? Does the song have a clear theme and cohesive structure? Does the music have an identifiable rhyme scheme or pattern? (1/3 score)

2. Melody: Does the song have continuity and coherence in melody, as well as tone and style? Does the song offer something unique, different, and totally original? Does the music keep the listener interested and engaged? (1/3 score)

Artists and songwriters can submit their original artwork or song/lyrics now by clicking here.



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