Voluntary Evacuation Requested For Western Calcasieu Parish
Sheriff Tony Mancuso has requested the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury implement a voluntary evacuation of the western part of Calcasieu Parish ONLY, from Highway 109 west to the Sabine River, and north from I-10 to the parish line.
The area is under threat of flooding.
Sheriff Mancuso stresses that they are "beefing up patrols on the Sabine River and throughout that part of the parish to protect people's property. We don't want people to have to worry about looters, should they choose to evacuate." He went on to stress that, "There will be zero-tolerance for looting."
High water vehicles and boats are currently staged in the western part of the parish, and are prepared to handle evacuations and any flood-related calls they might receive. Deputies will also be in the area to assist residents leaving their homes.
Additionally, pet and livestock needs are being addressed through the CPSO Livestock Unit. Anyone with pet or livestock needs should call (337) 491-3605.
For further information, please contact the CPSO Vinton LEC at (337) 491-4568.
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