Toddler Unbuckles Self, Falls From Moving Vehicle Near Longville
Beauregard Parish Sheriff's Deputies report that a toddler fell from a moving vehicle on Tuesday near Longville.
The one-year-old child reportedly suffered serious head trauma from the fall and remains hospitalized in Lafayette. Deputies believe that the child started the trip secured in his child seat, but at some point, he unbuckled himself. As the car made a left turn, the rear passenger door opened, and the child fell to the pavement below. No word on how fast the car was traveling at the time of the incident.
This is the second such incident reported in Louisiana this year. In June, a two-year-old child fell from a moving vehicle in Acadia Parish near Church Point.
While this scenario is easily one of the most terrifying a parent can face, Popsugar.com has a few recommendations to help train your toddler to keep from unbuckling themselves. Amazon.com also has products parents can use to block their children from unbuckling themselves.