Well, it's no secret the mid-term elections are being held tomorrow. Now you have to find a babysitter and make sure you can fit in a trip to the polls during your busy day.
If one person wouldn't have gone to the polls on Saturday, the election would have ended very differently in a Lake Charles city council race. Talk about close!
The NRA was upset because people were not aloud to wear their NRA hats to vote in one Georgia precinct. Could this be the start of a case that winds up in the supreme court? DO we have the right to wear anything we want when we go to vote. Here is what you said in this week's poll.
You vote yesterday decided man important races and let to run offs in others. The run offs will be decided on December 6th and you must be registered by today to vote then.
Here we go again! The state of Louisiana is trying to take funds from one great program and divert it to cover budget shortfalls. This time it hits fisherman!