You don't want to miss the Family Fishing Festival Saturday, April 7, at Cameron Prairie National Wildlife Refuge on Highway 27. From 9am until 1pm only, you will be able to fish for bass and catfish in three ponds where that's not allowed except during this event!
Did you know there's another festival, of sorts, that commemorates rice in south Louisiana? It's actually called the Yellow Rails and Rice Festival, and it's based in Jennings.
The Great Acadian Awakening Music Festival is scheduled for the first weekend in October to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the arrival of what we now call our "Cajun" ancestors from the area known today as Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.
So how many of you remember going to the the Cajun Riviera Festival at Holly Beach? It was always a blast. Sure the accommodations were not like staying at the Marriott; but cruising up and down the beach in the back of a pick up truck with a bunch of rowdy friends was always a blast. The live music with the gulf as a back drop was great. Could the festival come back? Holly Beach is certainly on t
Can you believe that Contraband Days is almost here? Well it is! Contraband Days this year is May 1st thru May 13th, 2012.
On Saturday, May 12th, Contraband Days along with Cajun Radio have a great lineup of Cajun, Swamp Pop and Zydeco music for you! The music will start at noon and go on till 9:30 p.m.
Want to know the Lineup?