
November 29th is Giving Tuesday
November 29th is Giving Tuesday
November 29th is Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is recognized by more than 70 countries around the world. It began in 2012 offset the commercialization created by Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday also coincides with the beginning of both individual and corporate charitable seasons.
Shop for School Uniforms At Thrift Stores To Save Money & Help Local Charities
Shop for School Uniforms At Thrift Stores To Save Money & Help Local Charities
Shop for School Uniforms At Thrift Stores To Save Money & Help Local Charities
School uniform shopping can take a serious toll on a parent's wallet. However, searching through the inventory at local thrift stores operated by charitable organizations for the shirts, shorts, pants or skirts that someone else's child may have outgrown, but is still perfectly useable, could make the pain much more tolerable...

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