Student Arrested For Leaving Threatening Note At School
Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff’s Office reportedly arrested a Jennings High School student on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022, for leaving a threatening note at school. It's unclear where the student placed the note, but according to the KLFY News the message threatened to shoot up the school.
According to Chief Deputy Christopher Ivey, Jennings High School resource deputies reported the incident, which initially occurred on October 10. Deputy Ivey told KPLC that shortly after the first bell rang a faculty member discovered the note at approximately 9:30 am. The school faculty alerted the resource officers and they were able to ID the author.
Once it was determined by the school officials and deputies that the message on the note posed no immediate danger to other students and staff, the parents were notified. The Sheriff's Office was able to ID the student after reviewing video footage of where the note was left and taking statements. The authorities alluded to the fact that more students may be involved with the threatening note and that more arrests are possible.
Following further investigation, detectives determined an arrest was necessary. The student was booked Wednesday and charged with terrorizing before being released to their parents. The Sheriff’s Office put out a strong warning to area students and parents that there is a zero-tolerance policy for this behavior. Sheriff Ivy said,
“There have been several fake active shooter threats in Louisiana and other states recently. The pranks cause disruption in schools and divert law enforcement from other necessary duties. The safety of the students and faculty are foremost in the minds of the deputies that work at the schools every day. Stunts and practical jokes of hurting people will be dealt with seriously and perpetrators will be punished."
School officials and law enforcement said any threats or pranks that are perceived to be threatening to the safety of students and well being of school faculty are very serious and will be treated as such. Tune into the local news for more details surrounding the case.