South Louisiana Sold Powerball Ticket Worth $100,000 This Morning
There were two very nice lottery wins over the weekend. One of those was a huge win in the Powerball game in Louisiana. The other win, that didn't take place in Louisiana was in the Mega Millions game. In that game, a single ticket claimed the top prize of $108 million dollars. According to Mega Millions game officials, that single ticket was sold in Arizona for the Friday, October 22nd drawing.
In looking at the way the winning number broke out for the Mega Millions drawing there were no big money tickets sold in Louisiana for that game. In fact, the Louisiana Lottery's winning numbers page suggests that the state's lottery players only managed to create five different tickets that were worth $500 each. Usually, that number is a lot higher.
The numbers that were drawn for the Friday Mega Millions game were:
09 14 26 29 66 Megaball 22 Megaplier x 3
When they drop the ping pong balls for Tuesday night's drawing at 9:59 the game's top prize will revert back to $20 million dollars.
Louisiana DId Get A Big Money Winner in Powerball
Saturday night's multi-state Powerball lottery did not produce a big jackpot winner. However, that game did produce smaller winners of significant proportions for example. There was a ticket sold for Saturday's Powerball that matched enough numbers to claim a one million dollar prize. That Powerball ticket was sold in Missouri.
Meanwhile in Louisiana, Powerball players here managed to skim a little of that "cash cream" off the top of the jackpot. A $100,000 winning ticket was sold in Louisiana for the Saturday night drawing.
According to the Louisiana Lottery's Big Wins page, the $100,000 winner was sold in Iowa. The ticket was purchased at Pilot Travel Center #1051 which is located at 1119 Lowe Grout Road in Iowa.
The ticket purchaser matched four of the five white-ball numbers, the Powerball, and they had opted-in on the Powerplay option. Here are the numbers that were drawn for the October 22, 2021 Powerball game.
10 30 51 57 63 Powerball 20 Powerplay x 2
The holder of the winning ticket purchased in Iowa will want to make sure that the back of that ticket has been signed. They will also want to contact the nearest Louisiana Lottery office to arrange a payout on their prize as well.
Tonight's estimated Powerball jackpot is $93 million dollars. The drawing for that game will take place at 9:59 pm Louisiana time. Remember, all ticket sales must cease at least one hour before the drawing, so if you do intend to play, make sure you can afford to lose and make sure you secure your ticket in advance, Good Luck.
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