Saggy Pants Now Illegal in Jeff Davis Parish, Police Jury Enacts Parishwide Ban
The Jeff Davis Parish Police Jury made it illegal to expose your underwear and/or wear your pants below your waist at last night's meeting, according to KPLC.
For the record, the towns of Welsh and Elton had already enacted similar bans previously. The new law would go into effect parishwide, and could result a a $50 fine for the first offense and a $100 fine for each offense after that.
The ban started as an attempt to ban saggy pants at the Jeff Davis Parish Courthouse after employees complaints about the issue. Those employees felt the style of dress was disrespectful for a courthouse, but jurors decided to expand the ban parishwide during their debate. As worded, the new ordinance makes it unlawful for any person in public wearing pants below the waist that exposes skin or undergarments.