Registration Underway For City Of Lake Charles Free Summer Camps
It's time to get your little ones registered for summer camp 2016 and there's better place to do so, than with the FREE summer camp programs being offered by the City of Lake Charles Recreation & Parks Department.
Best of all there are several FREE on-site locations available throughout the city! Keep in mind space is extremely limited, so register your children now. The registration site for PAID CAMP at the Willie McCullor Landry Community Center, formerly Drew Park, is on the 3rd floor at the Recreation & Parks Department located at 326 Pujo St. between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Bellard - 2808 Hillcrest Dr, Lake Charles, Phone:(337) 491-1205
Camp hours will be 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and the summer program begins Monday June 6, 2016 and ends Friday July 29, 2016. There will be daily activities to include movies, bowling, various field trips, swimming and much more.
For paid camps, Willie McCullor Landry Community Center (formerly Drew) , registration packets must be brought to the Recreation & Parks Department located at 326 Pujo St., 3rd floor, between the hours of 9:00am - 3:30pm, Monday - Friday, prior to the camp start date.
For more info call the camp of your choice or (337) 491-1280 for more information.