Louisiana Residents Create ‘Cajun’ Olympic Events
In between the hype for the NFL's big game and the lack of concern for the NFL's all-star game, there are the Olympic Games. The Olympics are a big deal in most of the world. Here in the United States, we aren't as passionate about Olympic events as we are about our own football, pro wrestling, and political backstabbing.
Those events are pure America. However, we do send athletes to compete in skiing, skating, hockey, and of course curling. We are the defending Gold Medal champs in that sport. Thank you, John Shuster.
So, it's not like we don't embrace the Olympics we only seem to care about medal counts at the end of the event. And as long as we have more medals and gold medals than Putin's puppets we are okay.
The opening ceremonies of the Olympics got us thinking about this idea. How could we "rig the games" like the Patriots used to do for the Super Bowl, and give our athletes a better chance to win. Even still, why do we even concern ourselves with "athletes"? Let's make these events winnable by normal people like you and me.
So we asked you to tell us what Olympic style event do you think you could win a Gold Medal. The following is a creative collection of those suggestions. Of course, we would welcome your suggestions for even more events. Maybe if we can create enough events and get clearance from our legal team we could put on the Cajun Olympic Games.
Sure it would erupt into a festival with Wayne Toups playing the National Anthem but that's okay, that's how we roll on the path to getting Gold.