These Insects are Invading Louisiana Homes – How to Keep Them Out
Louisiana families are no strangers to creepy crawly things that want to invade our homes and take our hard-earned money. But that's okay, we elected them. But those darn insects and bugs, we can do without them, right?
But if your home or property has wooden structures, or maybe a wood pile, or a debris pile, then chances are you are running a "ranch" that specializes in a species that is known by colloquial vernacular as a "firebrat". However, most of us know these creepy crawlies as silverfish. No, they aren't fish but they do move in a "fishlike manner" which is probably how they got their name.
That's what silverfish look like and they are quietly hiding in your home during the day and waiting for you to turn out the lights. You see the creatures love humidity which is why they love Louisiana. They also thrive in high-moisture areas in your home. Places such as the laundry room, under your kitchen sink, in the bathroom vanities, and in any crawl space that hides the light and lets in the moisture.
Are Silverfish Harmful to People?
Not really, not in the usual sense that we think of insects as harmful. They don't bite so we have that going for us. What they do however is get into our cereal boxes, our bags of flour, our packages of pasta, our pet foods, and they can even be found hiding in books, clothing, carpets, or curtains.
Why Do Silverfish Come Into Louisiana Homes?
The reason they are coming into your house is they are attempting to find a food source.
How Do You Get Rid of Silverfish Once They Are in Your Home?
If you want them to leave all you need to do is eliminate the ways they can get food in your home. If you store cereal, flour, and other dry goods in a pantry, make sure you have them in an airtight container. You'll also want to reduce the insect's access to water.
To do that you might run a dehumidifier in your laundry room or other areas of your home where moisture is present. You could also put down plastic sheeting in crawlspaces too. And of course, you'd want to seal up those cracks and crevices that allow the creatures inside in the first place too.
When Should You Call an Exterminator for Silverfish?
If it was me, I'd call my pest control service as soon as I saw the first one. Professional exterminators can not only decrease the insect population in and around your home. They will usually inspect your property and offer suggestions, similar to the ones we've noted above, that will help you keep the pests out.
Even the cleanest homes and businesses can have silverfish. They are very common in the Gulf South. Just know there are things you can do to keep them out or get rid of them should you find them inside. They aren't particularly dangerous to humans but they are insects and most of us have a natural aversion to them anyway.
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Gallery Credit: Jude Walker