Cannabis on a Cruise – Is it Legal When You Sail from Louisiana?
Marijuana laws in Louisiana and around the United States and the world for that matter are changing. The stigma associated with cannabis use is slowly fading away. Many states allow for the legal recreational use of the product, while other states such as Louisiana have made the use of cannabis within the framework of the law when a doctor's prescription has been attained.
For people in Louisiana who have been approved for medical marijuana use, there have been questions raised about the use of their medication while aboard an ocean-going cruise ship. The rationale is this, "if my other prescription medicines are allowed on the vessel, shouldn't the medical marijuana that is also prescribed by a doctor be allowed as well?"
As more and more states are legalizing the use of marijuana, especially recreationally, it would make sense in the world of reasonable people that a "recreational drug be allowed while on recreation". And of course, it's not. The reason is less about state laws and more about federal law in the United States.
Marijuana, both medical and recreational, is still considered to be illegal according to United States federal law. That's why you can't purchase medical marijuana in Louisiana with a credit card, it's because of the federal banking regulations.
It's because of these guidelines in federal law that all of the cruise lines that offer sailings out of ports in Louisiana are cannabis free. Carnival Cruise Lines which operates several ships out of the Port of New Orleans even published a video on the subject just to make sure that cruisers who use cannabis understand the policy.
We should note that delta-8 and cannabinoid hemp products are also subject to this ban on board. Some cruise lines also ban CBD Oil, namely Viking, and Disney. And as far as medical marijuana goes,
guests using medical marijuana, you should consult with your physician about an alternative therapy during your cruise
That's the official word from Carnival Cruise Lines for Louisiana guests who might be thinking of bringing their "prescription" on board. Carnival will sometimes employ the use of canine agents to sniff out cannabis on board their vessels.
What Happens if You're Caught with Cannabis on a Cruise Ship?
You could be subject to being denied boarding or you could be ejected from the ship at the next port of call. If you happen to have been discovered smoking or vaping cannabis on a Carnival ship you could also be subject to a $500 fine the cruise line has in place for violating smoking regulations while on board.
Can Cruise Line Canines Sniff Out Edibles?
This is an area of security that most cruise lines don't discuss. They'd rather keep you guessing as to whether or not their agents, both human or canine, can detect cannabis in edible form. Just know this, dogs are capable of detecting edibles. Whether the dogs employed by the cruise lines have that skill, the cruise lines "ain't sayin'".
Many travel writers who have covered the conundrum of cannabis on a cruise say the best way to enjoy "weed on a cruise" is to consume while you're on shore, assuming it's legal in that port of call, and then bring just your buzz on board.
When Will Cannabis Be Allowed on Cruise Ships?
Okay, this is just an opinion, let's assume all the legal barriers were removed and it was simply a matter of choice. In my opinion when that happens and as soon as the cruise lines figure out a way to make money off of it. It will be legal and they will sell it. They'll probably do it like the liquor you buy on board. You can buy it, but you can't use it, and you can't have it until you're off the ship at your final port.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells