The Hi*Way 80 Sale, A 392-Mile Long Sale Stretches Through East Texas This Weekend
It happens twice a year - once in the spring and once in the fall - the Hi*Way 80 Sale!
The Hi*Way 80 sale is one of the world's longest garage sales. The sale gets underway this weekend and it seems as if garage sale weather will finally be here just in time for the big event this weekend.
Thousands of garages, attics, storage buildings, and shops will be cleaned out and the owners will be displaying all of their sellable on folding tables, on the ground, and elsewhere selling all the items they no longer have a need for in hopes of bringing in a little extra cash.
The Hi*Way 80 Sale will be happening this Friday, October 18th through Sunday, October 20th along Historic US Highway 80 which runs right through the northern portion of East Texas.
Bargains galore along US Hwy 80 this weekend
A 392-mile stretch of the historic U.S. Highway 80 will become the site of one of the nation's longest garage sales. The Hi*Way 80 Sale happens twice a year, the third weekend in April and in October. Individuals along with businesses along the highway will be setting up shop for the largest garage sale that will stretch from Mesquite, Texas to Jackson, Mississippi.
This garage sale encompasses several East Texas towns, including Terrell, Wills Point, Grand Saline, Mineola, Hawkins, Big Sandy, Gladewater, White Oak, Longview, Hallsville, Marshall, and Waskom.
Historic US Hwy. 80
Once stretching nearly 2,400 miles across the southern part of the U.S., Highway 80 went from Savannah, GA all the way to San Diego, CA, but nowadays the highway has been cut into segments and is no longer continuous. From Tybee Island, GA to the east side of Dallas, this is the only stretch of the original Highway 80 that remains. Other sections are now controlled by individual states or the US highway department.
Shop til you drop and find that hidden treasure
With all kinds of businesses opening their doors and with pop-up garage sales along the route this year, you will find something to purchase, whether you need it or not! From refrigerators to crafts, to used vehicles, clothes, lawnmowers, trinkets of all kinds, furniture, and a wide variety of other things, you will find something for you!
It may take a couple of stops along the way, but you will find something.
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