Texas: Don’t Forget To Track Santa Tonight With NORAD
It's no secret Santa will be coming to town tonight, so be prepared to follow jolly ol' St. Nick with the NORAD Santa Tracker website.
The website features a virtual tour of the North Pole and it also has games and movies your child will enjoy as well.

Your family will be able to follow Santa's path across the globe and know exactly when to go to bed to get to sleep before his arrival.
If you've ever wondered to yourself, "I wish I could see inside the Santa tracking center", then your wish has been granted. NORAD recently gave us a behind-the-scenes look at their operations facility.
Our yearly tradition is to spend Christmas Eve with my wife's family. Once the activities were over, it was always so fun when my kids were young to pull up the NORAD tracker and let the kids see where Santa was while we were driving home. If he was in Canada or Mexico they would get so worried that we wouldn't make it home in time.
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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz