Massive Record Breaking Alligator Garfish Caught In Louisiana Lake
So we all have those friends who go fishing and tell us tales of the big fish they caught. The problem is, that most of them don't have any proof. You hear tales of how they have a massive 10-pound bass on the one but it broke off or They limited out only to come home with two small fish.
We all know those folks, correct? Here in Louisiana, we are known as The Sportsman's Paradise. We love to get out and wet a line, hunt in the woods, ride in our boats, or just be outdoors.
If you are from the area, you know about Toledo Bend Lake, located in West Central Louisiana along the border with Texas. It is a massive lake and produces some of the biggest bass you will catch in the state. Tons of people have camped along the lake and are always trying to reel in that trophy.
Well, the fish we were talking about in the headline isn't a bass but a monster alligator garfish. The fish that is blowing up social media here in Louisiana is a massive alligator garfish that was caught in Toledo Bend Lake.
The fish measured seven foot eight inches and had a girth of 48 inches. When they put this massive garfish on the scale, it topped out at an eye-popping 276 lbs! That is one huge fish! It is a new Toledo Bend record. Check this thing out.
That thing is massive, right? Can you imagine hooking up with that fish? We thought all of you anglers out there would appreciate this big catch.
Beautiful Louisiana Wildlife