Halloween Prop So Real Police Called to Investigate
We are counting down the days to Halloween and if I am being honest I think some of the Halloween decorations I have seen around town are better than the Christmas decorations I'll probably be seeing in about six weeks. Some of you have a really sick sense of humor and just take the whole idea of scaring people way too far.
Obviously, the key to a great Halloween decoration is to be unique and clever. You want your decoration to be scary enough to be disturbing but realistic enough so that people have to stop and genuinely think is it real or did something really bad just happen here?
Tik Tok creator @daneillet93 discovered that her Halloween decorations this year were so good they even fooled local law enforcement in her hometown with their very realistic and simplistic design. She even posted a video of when a police officer stopped by her place to examine the decoration and make sure that no crimes had been committed.
How brilliant of an attention-getter is that?
The prop itself is nothing more than some trash bags conveniently stuffed to look like a human body. The use of duct tape to secure the package gives the whole thing a serial-killer vibe too. And, I think the addition of a guitar off to the side and the tennis shoes on the bottom give this trashbag zombie a very gruesome appearance.
From what we understand the officer asked Danielle to remove the prop from her yard until Halloween Day. Which I guess I can understand. I am sure if the officer found the display to be realistic that many of Danielle's neighbors or passers-by might feel the same way.
As for me, I love the classics when it comes to Halloween, give me the witch on a broom smashed face-first into a tree, that's all I need. Although that incredibly large Michael Myers prop would come in handy in keeping all of the political candidates who are going door-to-door ahead of the upcoming election out of my yard.
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