Edwards Defends Bar Restrictions in Weekly Press Conference
As you have no doubt seen/heard this week, Louisianans are NOT happy about John Bel Edward's extreme stance against Louisiana bars.
To be honest, I don't blame them. I don't blame the bar owners who are frustrated after working their entire life to get where they are today, only to have the Governor take it all away. I'm certainly don't blame the thousands of bar employees statewide who have been without work and forced to do whatever it takes to make ends meet. Most of those workers by the way, don't qualify for the financial help so many out-of-work Louisianans receive. I don't even blame the patrons of these establishments for being upset. Let's face it, if there ever was a time Louisianans to need a break from the world around them, it's right now.
Still, the governor has not only crippled the bar industry in our state, but he has once again applied even more pressure this week. For those unaware, this week, bar owners across Louisiana received a letter from the state reminding them of our strict bar restrictions. In that list, new restrictions or previously unannounced restrictions were included. The main restriction being that of bar games. No bar games are permitted, including pool, shuffleboard, darts, cornhole, ect. Also, no one who is under 21 is allowed to enter a bar anywhere in the state.
For more on that story, click HERE.
This week, the governor showed no remorse for the bar owners, their staff, or their patrons. In fact, he defended his incredibly ruthless stance against the industry at his weekly press conference.
He says, “It is a safer way to open and we were able to look at what other states had done and we looked at guidance that was being provided by the White House Coronavirus Task Force.”
Edwards and his staff have repeatedly said that bars create environments that increase the spread of COVID, and also he wishes to be extra-careful with colleges open.
“Right now people who are under 29 account for 40 percent of all new COVID cases,” said Edwards.
Read More: Who are the Early Favorites to be Louisiana's Next Governor?
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