Louisiana Chick-fil-A Locations to Close for an Entire Weekend
My personal relationship with Chick-fil-A restaurants is a love/hate kind of relationship. On the love side, I do really like their chicken sandwiches and I am on record as saying the perfect finger food for any holiday table is the Chick-fil-A nugget. But don't get just one of those nuggets, get a bunch of them. I promise you, if you bring Chick-fil-A nuggets to any gathering of hungry people, you'll become legendary.
On the hate side of the equation, it really has nothing to do with Chick-fil-A, the restaurant. It has more to do with the other people who like Chick-fil-A, namely the customers. You see, where I live, one of the busiest locations of Chick-fil-A is on a major parkway. The line of cars attempting to get into the restaurant around meal times will stop traffic faster than an armoured truck losing its load.
There are a lot of people that swear by Chick-fil-A. I can't say that I blame them for that assessment. Their work crews are among the best in the fast-food industry. In fact, I'd go out on a limb to say only the attitude and energy of the crew at Raisin' Canes, another chicken restaurant, rivals that of Chick-fil-A.
And yes, it was "my pleasure" to extoll the virtues of the fine crews of both Chick-fil-A and Raisin' Canes. Did you see how I was kickin' writing about chicken?
So, what about this weekend closure thing?
Well, first things first, I like a lot of you have pulled into a Chick-fil-A drive-thru only to be rudely reminded, by myself, that they are closed on Sundays. The reason for the closure on Sunday comes straight from the top. Company founder Truett Cathy made the choice to close his restaurants on Sundays way back in 1946. Mr Cathy felt that it was important that his employees could set aside one day to rest and worship if they choose.
While I hate feeling like a dope for pulling into a closed Chik-fil-A on Sunday, I do recognize and am deeply impressed by this bold stand by the restaurant chain. One estimate I read showed that Chik-fil-A loses out on a billion dollars in sales every year just because of that commitment to their employees.
Okay, the Sunday closure now makes sense, but to close for a whole weekend?
I am going to apologize to you right now because you are about to feel a bit sheepish when I explain why later this month all Chik-fil-A locations will be closed on a Saturday and Sunday. The weekend in question is the weekend of December 25th and December 26th.
Does anything about one of those dates ring a bell? (Taco Bell people say out of this)
Yeah, December 25th is Christmas Day. So, if an establishment is going to close on Sundays throughout the year, it's a pretty safe bet they'll be shutting things down for Christmas, and they are. The restaurants will be closed for Saturday and the Sunday of Christmas weekend but will reopen the following Monday.
That means about 2600 locations of Chick-fil-A across the nation and almost 50 locations in Louisiana will have the lights out and the fryers cold. But it also will mean that those restaurant employees will hopefully be at home sharing the joy of the holiday with their families.
Hey Chick-fil-A, it's been my pleasure to remind folks that there are companies that still value human beings as a greater asset than money. And still, value the reason for the season over the opportunity to cash in. Merry Christmas and please pull forward and stop blocking the street.
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