Central Library Celebrates Summer Reading Program Kick-Off
Summer is almost here! Though many older kids look forward to taking a break for a few months, this is also a great opportunity for parents to encourage their younger children to read. First, it improves memory skills and it's a good habit to start. Second, the more they read the better their spelling, comprehension, reading fluency, and speed will be. Third, getting books about your child's interests will promote their love to read.
Join the celebration Friday, May 27 at the Central Library 2022 Summer Reading Program Kick-Off. Throughout the year the library has a variety of wonderful reading programs for every age group. Early literacy age groups 4-6-years old can grow literacy skills, teens can find reading in common with other teens, while a host of activities are available for the whole family and adults.
If it's got something to do with reading the Central Library Branch in South Lake Charles at 301 W. Claude Street, has it covered. Whether it be fun activities designed to develop and grow early literacy skills or a quiet space to explore a good book. There are always teen activities, for those students who already have a love of reading and want to be around others with the same joy of literature. Register for the Central Teen Area Book Club now. Stop by the local library in your area to see what events are going on every week, all year long for all age groups.