Calcasieu Parish Gets New App For Your Smart Phone
The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury announced today that they have a new app for your cell phone. The app helps residents to report problem issues in Calcasieu Parish to the Police Jury by using their smart phones.
The Calcasieu Parish Police Jury announced at a press conference today the public launch of the Calcasieu EagleApp Civic Reporter. EagleApp creates a convenient way for the public to report problem issues in Calcasieu Parish to the Police Jury by using their smart phones. The new app is free and is available on iPhone, Android, and Windows-based phones.
The “Calcasieu Eagle App” is a result of a collaborative effort between the Calcasieu Police Jury and a mobile civic engagement platform, CitySourced. The mobile app allows the public to utilize their smartphones to report local concerns such as litter, abandoned vehicles, lost animals, building code enforcements and a variety of other issues.
“The ‘Calcasieu Eagle App’ is designed to empower the citizens of Calcasieu Parish to become engaged with problem issues they see and become a civic reporter,” said Jason Barnes, Special Programs Coordinator. “The app allows for convenience as well, making the entire process of reporting an issue easy and hassle-free.”